d10-Carbamazepin, d3-Ethosuximid, d4-Felbamat, d3-Lacosamid, 13C3-Lamotrigin, d6-Levetiracetam, d4-Oxcarbazepin, d5-Phenobarbital, d5-Phenylethylmalonamid (PEMA), d10-Phenytoin, d4-Pregabalin, d5-Primidon, d4-Retigabin, d9-Stiripentol, d6-Theophyllin, d6-Tiagabin, d12-Topiramat, d6-Valproinsäure, 15N,d4-Zonisamid
Best.-Nr. | Artikel | Menge |
MS9212 | Interner Standard, lyophil., für Antiepileptika für TDM Platform, Add-on Set-Best.-Nr. MS9200 | 5 x 5 ml |
RECIPE is one of the world’s leading companies for specialty diagnostics with HPLC and LC-MS/MS systems. Certified according to ISO 13485.